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Referrals can be made by anyone associated with the young person. Once we have received the young person’s Statement of Needs or Education, Health and Care plan and recent multi disciplinary minutes we would advise parents or guardians to visit the school.

We will arrange for a member of our team to meet the young person to confirm their suitability as quickly as possible. Once this has been established an offer will be made and notification of a final visit by the multi-disciplinary team.

This visit usually takes place on one day, after which a transition plan for admission is agreed. The Multi-disciplinary Team will report their findings to the Head Teacher and a report will be written reviewing their findings including current levels relating to Statemented Needs, general strategies, initial targets and any areas which the team feels needs further examination. There is no charge for this assessment.

A young person doesn’t need specific qualifications to get a place with us. We simply need to feel confident that we have the resources and expertise to help them gain an education and reach their potential. We accept young people from all backgrounds, from across the UK and abroad.

Use our online enquiry form to request information on making a referral or assessment.

Parents and carers have positive views of the school. One parent said, ‘My child feels safe, comfortable, well cared for, trusted and valued. I am very pleased with the progress they are making.’

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