Pegasus is situated in several acres of countryside. We have vast outdoor areas which include a Farm and Forest School. In our grounds we have trampolines, swings, a sandpit, cycle track, trim trail and outdoor gym equipment. Internally we have a soft play, light room and sensory integration room.
At Pegasus School, these specialist areas are really important and we encourage our young people to use our functional sensory and communication friendly rooms, equipped with the essential sensory integration equipment to help them improve their sense of balance, increase body awareness, co-ordination, gross and fine motor development.
Within the school environment, a variety of individual and group work is facilitated by the Teachers and Teaching Assistants who have all received direct training from the therapists in order to optimise the young person’s engagement to various functional therapeutic activities.
The education spaces are low stimuli and designed to meet the social, educational and sensory needs of our young people. All the classrooms including the common room were all carefully designed and functionally adapted to ensure that they are all sensory and communication friendly. This in turn empowers the young people, elevates their sense of confidence, improves social skills and helps build a stronger self-esteem.
To aid in the development of independence and to sharpen cognitive functions, we have three designated learning kitchens, a common room, gym, creative arts room and an onsite café. To enable optimum independence of the young people, they will have access to a variety of kitchen appliances, adapted cutleries and cooking tools that provide opportunities to practice their skills and gain a positive sense of achievement.