Yoga benefits for people with autism

Yoga provides an effective therapeutic alternative for children with learning disabilities. Yogic breathing exercises (pranayama) stimulate the central nervous system and strengthen the immune system.

The aim is to develop the children’s skills in communication, social interaction and play using tried and tested methods. Yoga practice with Autistic children has demonstrated that through the use of movement and body awareness yoga has allowed people to develop and build friendships, interact and engage emotionally and help trust in others and confidence in self.

However, for our students it’s more of being in the moment, ‘right here right now’, to learn how to breath, relax, let go and to calm, to learn it’s ok to let go and to breath and to manage what you are feeling at that moment in time.  Yoga can help both with calming you down when you feel angry in the moment and with managing anger in the longterm.

Yoga reduces anxiety

Shallow breathing, poor posture and tense muscles are both results and causes of anxiety. If you’ve been stuck in an anxiety cycle for a long period of time, it’s likely that your body has almost learned to protect itself by remaining tense, physically closed off and with very short, sharp breaths. The mind and body are so closely interlinked, that physically deepening the breath, improving posture and relaxing the muscles in a safe space can all help reduce anxiety.

Basic Breath Awareness:

This gentle introduction to diaphragmatic breathing teaches you how to breathe more fully and consciously.


Quiets and calms the entire nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety and improving self-awareness.

Try It:

At least once a day, at any time.

How To:

Lie comfortably on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor about hip-distance apart. Place a palm on your abdomen and breathe comfortably for a few moments, noticing the quality of your breath. Does the breath feel tense? strained? uneven? shallow? Simply observe the breath without any judgment. Then gradually begin to make your breathing as relaxed and smooth as possible, introducing a slight pause after each inbreath and outbreath.

Take a moment from your day to relax & unwind.