How’s the Local Offer Shaping up? An audit by the Children’s Services Development Group – August 2016

The local offer is designed to provide meaningful choice for parents, and to ensure children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) have access to appropriate support services in their local area.

This report from the Children’s Services Development Group (CSDG) provides an assessment of the extent to which local authorities in England are discharging their statutory obligations as set out in the Children and Families Act 2014 in relation to the delivery of the local offer.

In particular, we wanted to understand:

1. Are people aware of the local offer?

2. How accessible is the local offer?

3. What support is in place for people wanting to access their local offer?

4. Does the local offer provide meaningful choice for parents and carers in terms of the types of services and provision it includes?

Read the report in full