
I joined Bladon House School as a Support Worker in 2002 and I have seen the service grow tremendously over this time. I was promoted to the role of Team Leader after 2 years in post. After a short spell elsewhere I returned to OneNineFive as a Team Leader as I missed the sense of community at SENAD. I was subsequently promoted to Deputy Head at OneNineFive before returning to Bladon House School as a House Manager. I have progressed from House Manager to my current role as Head of Care. I have undertaken many training courses during my time with SENAD, including NVQ Level 3 in Children and Young People, Level 4 in Health and Social Care and Level 5 in Leadership and Management.

For me, Bladon House School offers a unique opportunity to work with other disciplines so I can understand the whole picture of a young person, not just Care. Bladon House School has a Therapy and an Education team on site and work closely with Psychologists and other professionals to ensure the best interests of the young person are catered for. I am specifically passionate about the outcomes for our young people, seeing them grow and develop their skills and relationships with our team.